Thursday, April 16, 2009


The Healing Power of Trees!

During fall, it almost becomes a national past time to appreciate trees, especially in Canada where they fully display their glory in brilliant wild colors. Personally, I am a tree hugger year round and proud of it! There is something very special about walking in the woods, or entering the silent sanctuary of an Evergreen grove, or just sitting in the cooling shade of a Maple tree's expansive branches. I find trees both majestic yet comforting, elegant yet solid, enduring yet ever changing. When I surround myself with trees, my breathing becomes deeper, all my senses are satiated, and I feel peaceful and grounded.
Several organizations have done experiments on the healing effects of forests. The studies compared the physiological benefits of walking in the city with walking in a forest. They found concrete evidence that a forest stroll had beneficial effects on blood pressure, heart rate, and the immune system.

Tapping into the healing energies of Trees

Every tree is a powerful source of spiritual healing energy that can help your own immune system. Because trees are rooted so firmly in the earth, receive water through the roots from the rain and light from the sun, they are an enduring source of earth’s healing in the most concrete of squares in any city centre.
You can sit against a tree in a forest that may be hundreds or even thousand years old. Yews can live more than two thousand years and some oaks a thousand years old. Trees contain lot of accumulated power and wisdom. In woodlands or a local arboretum, look for a circle of trees that can become your own sacred grove.

· You may find your special tree, one that feels right for you, in your local park or in your garden. If a particular tree is not jumping out at you then just pick one that you will feel safe sitting against or hugging or simply touching every time you go past it. Any tree will help to ease your pain whether physical or emotional and will restore well-being.

· Small trees in a pot or on a balcony can create a sacred grove within your home.

· Begin by sitting against the trunk for a while, now shut your eyes, and envision going down the length of the roots into the earth, making a connection with the forest floor and then through the bark.

· Put your hands on the ground and press down with your feet, picturing any excess energies and negative feelings as a dark light sinking downwards into the earth touching the roots where they can be healed. Then release those healed energies upwards through the leaves and into the sunlight.

· When you feel calm, stand facing the tree so your fingers on both hands and your toes are lightly touching the trunk. Or if you are comfortable simply give the tree a hug!

· Ancient groves in Wales, Brittany, Ireland, and throughout various sites around the world trees are still adorned with ribbons, trinkets and requests for healing and blessings. Find your own tree or scared grove and place a little piece of yourself. Give tree hugging a try you just might like it.

Suzanne Williams

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